CARE offers a multi-disciplinary approach in consultation,
testing and pharmacy services to over 200 patients per day.
Sree Sudheendra Medical Mission (SSMM) Hospital is a 200 bed hospital situated at Kacheripady, Ernakulam. Equipped with modern facilities, SSMM handles In-patient and Emergency cases on behalf of CARE. All Rheumatology patients requiring In-patient care are admitted in SSMM, in consultation with our team of doctors at CARE.
Combining different modalities like Specialty clinics, Diagnostic tests, Physiotherapy and Psychology to provide all round care to patients.
We have 5 disease specific clinics (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, AS,PsA, STR) and a large clinic that concentrates on general Rheumatologic problems. Our primary goal is to provide outstanding patient care using a multidisciplinary team approach. CARE also forms the foundation for extensive research and educational programs. We facilitate the partnership of patients in discovery by enabling easy participation in research studies.
“Ekam shaastram adhiyano na vidyath shaastra nischayam. Tasmat bahushruta shaastram vijaniyath chikitsaka”.
“A Single science alone is not enough for a physician, but he should master various sciences in order to succeed in his clinical practice”
At CARE, such is our collective effort in bringing about total health care, integrating India’s ancient knowledge with modern Medicine.
Ayurveda offers a great scope of treating various Rheumatological conditions but needs to be judiciously implemented. Panchakarma and related procedures are a major hall mark of Ayurveda in this regard. When integrated with modern medicine it can have tremendous potential for a common good-patient wellbeing. Cases need to be recorded and documented in an evidence-based manner.
Certain examples of Effective Ayurvedic treatment:
Cochin - Near Toyota Show Room NH-47, Nettoor, Cochin - 682040, Kerala - India.
Kannur - Above Dr Binu's Sunrise Eye Care, 3rd Floor, Opposite Sreepuram EM School, Chettipeedika, Pallikunnu Post, Kannur, Kerala 670004.
Phone - +91 7306821981
Changanassery - Mariyan Centre, Opp. S.B. High School,
Kurisumood P.O , Changanassery 686101. Phone - +91 8086313161